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Who We Are

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Master Matthew Chapplow

Founder of the Mui Faa Academy

The late Master Chapplow's martial arts journey began in 1970 with Judo, Shotokan karate, Shaolin Kung Fu, Chinese Kickboxing and Lau Gar kick boxing. He then looked for a martial art system to last a lifetime, through youth and old age, that would remain highly effective and flexible enough to adapt to an individual’s physical capabilities. All these attributes he found in the Wing Chun style.


He has been a senior instructor for decades and has been recognised as a master of the Wing Chun style by the worldwide Martial Arts Council since 2013. 

Master Ben Ede

Chief Instructor

Head of the Mui Faa Academy

Sifu Ben Ede started his Mui Faa training under Master Chapplow as a private student in 2009 and

has since attained his Master level instructor grade. He is enhanced DBS checked and has been promoted to senior instructor and head of the Academy by Master Chapplow.


Sifu Ede is very much interested in teaching all students, no matter the age, the soft yet powerful facet of the wing chun system. 


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Sifu Simon Wilson

Secretary of the Mui Faa Academy

Senior Plymouth Instructor

Sifu Simon was a direct student of Master Chapplow and is running his own Mui Faa club in Plymouth. He has expert knowledge of the energy systems within Wing Chun and how they can be applied to devasting effect in self-defence. 

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​Get in touch

  • Phone: 

    • Bristol - 07775634154

    • Plymouth - 07412 840942​

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